Thursday, September 18, 2014

FILCOLS hosts IFRRO Asia Pacific Committee regional meet


IFRRO Asia Pacific Committee members. Photo by Ronald Verzo.

FILCOLS hosts IFRRO Asia Pacific Committee regional meet

The Filipinas Copyright Licensing Society, Inc. (FILCOLS) hosted the Asia Pacific Committee (APC) regional gathering of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations (IFRRO) at the Manila Diamond Hotel on September 18.

Led by IFRRO chief executive officer Olav Stokkmo, the APC meeting also featured a seminar on transparency, accountability, and good governance for collective management organizations (CMO) in line with the current direction from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

IFRRO CEO Olav Stokkmo introduced the panel discussion on education licensing. 
Photo by Ronald Verzo.

Stokkmo said, “CMOs are generally asked to demonstrate transparency, accountability, and good governance in its day-to-day operations.”

APC chair Caroline Morgan presented the National Report for the Copyright Agency - Viscopy (CA) where she highlighted their campaigns Reading Australia and Copyright.

Caroline Morgan presented the Australian national report before members of the APC.
Photo by Ronald Verzo.

General Counsel Karen Pitt presented the CA board structure, tenure, and profile. She focused on the importance of having independent directors to provide balance and settle issues internally free from interest.

Copyright Agency general counsel Karen Pitt.
Photo by Ronald Verzo.

Book Development Association of the Philippines (BDAP) president Lirio P. Sandoval attended the opening of the APC seminar together with Anvil publishing manager Karina Bolasco.

Sandoval, one of the founders of FILCOLS and its current treasurer, said "The BDAP will support FILCOLS as long as necessary." He also thanked Stokkmo for never giving up on the idea of establishing a CMO in the Philippines since the early 2000s.

BDAP president Lirio P. Sandoval (seated) during the presentation of
FILCOLS executive director Alvin J. Buenaventura.
Photo by Ronald Verzo.

Bolasco, one of the founding board members of FILCOLS and its current vice chair, expressed gratitude for the help of Australians Morgan and Pitt, and Paul Wee of the Copyright Licensing and Administration Society of Singapore (CLASS). They conducted many seminars in the country together with Stokkmo to encourage authors and publishers to set up a CMO.

Karina Bolasco (seated) and Karen Pitt at the opening of the APC seminar.
Photo by Ronald Verzo.

Bolasco also thanked Michael Healy, international relations chief of the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), for providing support to FILCOLS executive director Alvin J. Buenaventura and licensing officer Napoleon G. Almonte via the International Advancement Program (IAP) held at the CCC headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts.

(L-R) CCC's Michael Healy, Copyright Licensing New Zealand CEO Paula Browning, and CLASS's Paul Wee.
Photo by Ronald Verzo.

IAP aims to support emerging CMOs in the publishing sector through operational and technical support, marketing, and educational tools. FILCOLS was the first CMO to benefit from this program.

Months prior to the event, Morgan coordinated with Buenaventura to arrange details on the ground like venue selection and reservation, provision of support staff and equipment, among others.

The APC meeting and seminar coincided with the international event Copy & Repro which is one of the highlights of the 35th Manila International Book Fair to be held on September 19 at the SMX, Mall of Asia in Pasay City.

The APC is made up of CMOs from Australia, China, Faroe Islands, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Viet Nam.

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Text by Alvin J. Buenaventura. Photos by Ronald Verzo. For more information, please visit